Patented Fast Cure Low Energy Technology
Patented Fast Cure Low Energy Technology
Axalta’s Fast Cure Low Energy technology (FCLE) revolutionises refinishing processes. By leveraging revolutionary in-house chemistry, this patented technology offers significant benefits:
Reduced Process Times: FCLE cuts process times in half, boosting throughput without compromising quality.
Energy Efficiency: It can either eliminate energy use during drying or reduce application process times by up to 50%. This translates to a high-quality finish achieved faster and at a lower repair cost.
Environmental Impact: As energy costs rise and climate concerns grow, it’s never been more important that bodyshops need energy-efficient solutions. Axalta’s innovative low energy paint system reduces spray booth energy costs by up to 70% and has been tried and tested over many years, making an instant impact on energy consumption and profitability.
Sustainability: The system aligns with Axalta’s 2030 Sustainability goals, reducing the bodyshop’s carbon footprint by up to 55%.
This cutting-edge technology is available across Axalta’s premium global refinish brands: Cromax, Spies Hecker, and Standox.
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